Maine Coon Cat

martedì 4 ottobre 2011 05:12 Pubblicato da Progetto Foligno
The Maine Coon is a breed of domestic cat with a distinctive physical appearance. It is one of the oldest natural breeds in North America, specifically native to the state of Maine, where it is the official State Cat.

It is also said that these cats originally belonged to Marie Antoinette. There is also a strong theory that they came with the Vikings and mated in the wilds with raccoons from which the name is derived.

The Maine Coon is noted for its large bone structure, rectangular body shape, and long, flowing coat. The breed can be seen in a variety of colors and is known for its intelligence and gentle personality. Health problems, such as feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and hip dysplasia, are seen in the breed, but screening methods can help to reduce the frequency of these problems.

Maine coon cats are clever, energetic and playful
. They love being in families that have lots of other pets as well as children.
They possess much more dexterity than regular cats, and are capable of scooping up objects, toys and food using their paws, almost like raccoons.
This breed of cat can stretch themselves up and use their flexible paws to open doors using door knobs.
This breed of cat has a shaggy coat of fur that is weatherproof along with a full, puffy tail and ear tufts. All these traits help protect it during harsh winters.

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