Selkirk Rex Cat Breed Profile

martedì 4 ottobre 2011 04:31 Pubblicato da Progetto Foligno
This new curly breed was first discovered in the USA in 1987. A worker in an animal shelter noticed a cat with a unique curly coat and gave her to a Persian breeder named Jeri Newman. That cat named Miss DePesto was bred to a Persian and her first litter contained 3 straight coated kittens and 3 kittens with this unique soft curly coat. The curly kittens were bred to Persian, British and Exotics to develop the Selkirk Rex lines.

The Selkirk Rex is distinguished by its soft, curly coat. The breed comes in shorthaired and longhaired varieties, each with a distinct curl to its hair. The body of the Selkirk Rex is muscular and semi-cobby. The head is round and broad. The breed comes in all colors and patterns.

One first may be attracted to the Selkirk’s cute, curly exterior, but these cats also make champion companions. They are curious, tolerant, extremely sociable cats that enjoy spending time with their preferred persons. People-oriented without being clingy, Selkirks have a generous measure of love and loyalty for their human companions. Selkirks fit in well with other family members including children, and usually get along well with other companion animals. Because they are very social, they don’t do well in isolation or when left alone for long periods.

Selkirks are fun-loving, mellow cats with a generous measure of love and affection for their human companions. Very people-oriented, they stay playful and kittenish even as adults. They’re very social and don’t do well in isolation.

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