Siamese Cat

martedì 4 ottobre 2011 05:20 Pubblicato da Progetto Foligno
The Siamese is one of the first distinctly recognized breeds of Oriental cat. The exact origins of the breed are unknown, but it is believed to be from Southeast Asia, and is said to be descended from the sacred temple cats of Siam (now Thailand).

In Thailand, where they are one of several native breeds, they are called Wichien-maat. In the 20th century the Siamese cat became one of the most popular breeds in Europe and North America.
Siamese cats are of two types. The traditional Siamese cat is apple headed and has a robust, compact body, while the modern Siamese cat has a more triangular shaped head and has a lithe and slender body.

This breed of cat is the most popular of all the short haired cats, and is made distinctive by its long, slender body and triangular face. They also tend to have blue eyes and an unusual coat pattern. Their coat tends to become lighter around their neck and body but then darkens on the points of the cat, which are the ears, face, paws and tail.

Siamese cats
are very temperamental and have outgoing personalities. They are the most social and friendly of all cat breeds. They are very talented at communication with humans. If you are looking for a quiet cat, then Siamese cats are not the way to go. They are extremely vocal and express themselves using their voices. While being affectionate their voices are easy on the ears but when feeling neglected they become quite loud.

The only maintenance these breed of cats require physically is that they need to be bathed once a month and their coats need to be brushed at least twice a month. Gentle brushing is sufficient as their hair is not very long. Siamese cats can live to be fifteen or twenty years old if they are well taken care of.

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