Japanese Bobtail Cat

martedì 4 ottobre 2011 04:03 Pubblicato da Progetto Foligno
The Japanese Bobtail is a breed of cat with an unusual ‘bobbed‘ tail more closely resembling the tail of a rabbit than that of an ordinary feline. The short tail is a cat body type genetic mutation caused by the expression of a recessive gene. Thus, so long as both parents are bobtails, all kittens born to a litter will have bobtails as well.

The Japanese Bobtail is a small domestic cat native to Japan and Southeast Asia, though it is now found throughout the world. The breed has been known in Japan for centuries, and there are many stories, as well as pieces of ancient art, featuring it.

This breed is recognized in both shorthaired and semi-longhaired varieties. Their coats are silky and need minimal grooming.

The Japanese Bobtail is an outgoing, friendly, active cat
. They are intelligent and talkative, even entering into entire conversations with “their” people. Although they like to talk, they are not noisy and do not have loud voices, though they may make an amazing range of sounds.

Their popularity is legendary, and no wonder. They are the ultimate pet. They love to fetch, carry things around in their mouths, and ride on shoulders. They adust well to travelling, dogs, and children. More importantly, they are strong, healthy cats with comparitively high disease resistance.

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